Joel Sanders Architect


A project that builds on ideas we first explored in the 24/7 Business Hotel, EasyHotel is a prefabricated modular hotel room commissioned by Stelios, a European entrepreneur known for his no-frills travel businesses. Compact, easy-to-clean rooms translate into lower room rates. We capitalized on state-of-the-art digital fabrication techniques to devise a space-saving, easy-to-maintain hotel room prototype, one that can be installed in retrofitted properties, as well as new buildings.

EasyHotel efficiently incorporates all domestic activities within a single unit made up of a set catalog of prefabricated panels. Each modular panel is assigned a specific use – shower, toilet, sink, bed – and may be assembled as either a single or a double. High-performance materials are integral to fulfilling the goals of EasyHotel. Waterproof fiberglass, painted the company’s signature orange, is used in wet and high-traffic areas, while soft surfaces – mattress and cushions – are wrapped in durable vinyl. The entire room can be wiped clean with only a damp cloth.

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Year 2001